Mass Counseling Session for School/Clg
To know all about the choosen career
Service Description
In a career counseling session, I will help the students explore skills and strengths, consider education levels and give advice about continuing education, and determine interests and personality type. Some potential topics of discussion in career counseling: * Particular skills or talents. In which careers might they be useful? * The educational qualification required of various careers. * The potential earnings of various careers. * The daily working environment - office or outdoors, fast or slow-paced. * The necessary skills/education for a desired career. * How to choose a career * How parents can be supportive * Discussion about New Age Careers * The opportunities for change or advancement in a particular career. Some careers are more flexible than others. Lawyers and doctors, for example, may shift their focus or area of specialty but will generally remain lawyers and doctors. Other careers or education paths might more allow mobility between positions in a given field. * Interaction with student & Parents etc

Cancellation Policy
The registration fee is non-refundable. Rescheduling is allowed 24 Hours prior to the appointment.
Contact Details
Counselor Samradhi Tyagi, Circular Road, Jat Colony, Civil Lines South, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India